The Organization 
Saheli Boston is an organization dedicated to empowering South Asian women and families to lead safe and healthy lives. Saheli provides services in the areas of domestic violence, physical and mental health and safety, legal and immigration issues, career and economic empowerment, and social opportunities. Saheli’s Men Against Violence program calls on men around the world to take a stand and act to end violence against women. The goal is for men to educate themselves, speak out, and to make a pledge to reject violence when overheard, witnessed or condoned. 

The Design
I designed the Men Against Violence brand to be simplistic and bold, capturing the essence of the campaign, while tying in elements of the overarching Saheli Boston brand style. Along with logo, stationary, and shirt designs, I developed promotional posters for the organization making use of domestic violence facts and pledges from men who have committed to the program. 
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